Last updated
Last updated
Currently(April 2023) You can do bellow
Image assets generation by Image generation AI (StableDiffusion)
Following components are available, and you can see how to use it from the tile link.
Also you can switch trained models/Lora for each image generation to enable consistent image generation
We have tested the following environment. Required specs vary depending on which function you use.
OS: Windows
Unity version: Unity2021.3.18f1~ Unity 2021 ※There are some issues on 2022~
RenderPipeline: URP
This system installs and uses code from a repository which fork from Stable Diffusion web UI.
If you modify these repository, please apply the GPL v3 license.
The main repository of this project, stable-diffusion-for-unity, is communicated via API and is available under the MIT license.
Title | Summary | Component title |
Text to Image
Image generation with text prompt
Image to Image
Image generation with
external Image input
Image from camera in Unity
Depth to Image
Image generation using Depth information acquired from camera in Unity